Monday, October 6, 2008

Spoon Music Video - "Operation in Progress"

I came across this Spoon relic on YouTube today - a video of "Operation in Progress". Sadly, this song never made it onto a Spoon studio release, apparently because lead singer Britt Daniel always felt like it was too weak of a track. Instead, the song wound up the '97 compilation Rock and Roll Free-for-All: Vol. 2.

The video is quite comical - it looks like it was made with a handycam for a public access television show, and the band (which is only comprised of Britt, drummer Jim Eno, and bassist Josh Zarbo) looks so incredibly young. What grabbed my attention most was Britt's glasses (which can be seen on the cover art of Telephono) and his guitar. From the Telephono-era up until around '99, Britt sported an electrified acoustic guitar. It really gave the band a fuzzed-out, dirty sound. This video documents the acoustic guitar in action, and actually looks a little silly in my opinion because I don't associate the sound with the instrument. Nevertheless, it's a great song and a great video. Check it out:

If you want the track for yourself, Britt Daniel has personally allowed the downloading and sharing of this song through the Spoon Yahoo! group. Below are two different versions of "Operation in Progress" - one was recorded in '96 and ended up on the compilation (vide supra), and another version was recorded in '00 in an attempt to release a better version on Girls Can Tell - but like I said before, it didn't make the cut.

Spoon - "Operation in Progress" - 1996
Spoon - "Operation in Progress" - 2000

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